All activity for Bora Simmons
Bora Simmons liked STEM and the Guidelines on
Bora Simmons liked Deliberative Dialogue Forums: Effectively Engaging Communities on Challenging Topics on
Bora Simmons liked NEWLY REVISED! Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence on
Bora Simmons liked EE Programs: Guidelines for Excellence Virtual Workshop Resources on
Bora Simmons liked K–12 EE Guidelines for Excellence Virtual Workshop Resources on
Bora Simmons liked Building Community Relationships and Conservation Impact on
Bora Simmons liked NAAEE's Conference Over the Years on
Bora Simmons liked Let's Talk Rivers: New Deliberative Forum Guide on
Bora Simmons liked Naming and Framing Issues for Deliberation: Resources on
Bora Simmons liked Creating a Vibrant Neighborhood in the Urban Core: Cathedral District on
Bora Simmons liked What's Next Bradford? How can citizens contribute to the county's quality of life? on
Bora Simmons liked Putting it into Practice: Community Engagement Guidelines for Excellence on
Bora Simmons liked Excited To Be a New eePro Group Co-Moderator on
Bora Simmons liked Introducing Imagine If: A New Podcast from NAAEE! on
Bora Simmons liked "You have 20 Minutes. Go!" on
Bora Simmons liked Calling All College and University Programs! Accreditation Workshop on
Bora Simmons liked Higher Education Accreditation Workshop on
Bora Simmons liked Join us for NAAEE 2017 Virtual Conference Week! on
Bora Simmons liked Land of Plenty: How Should We Ensure that People Have the Food They Need? on
Bora Simmons liked 5 Ways to Spark Deliberation in Your Classroom on
Bora Simmons liked Go Far, Walk Together: Community Engagement as Transformative Practice on
Bora Simmons liked Energy Choices - EIF in the Classroom High School Teacher Guide on
Bora Simmons liked Energy Choices: What Should We Do About America's Energy Future? on
Bora Simmons liked Energy Choices - EIF in the Classroom Middle School Teacher Guide on
Bora Simmons liked Recognize Excellence in EE Through an NAAEE Award Nomination! on
Bora Simmons liked Let's Talk About Water on
Bora Simmons liked Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence on
Bora Simmons liked Introducing NAAEE's Guidelines for Excellence in Community Engagement on
Bora Simmons liked Different Abililties and Possibilities on
Bora Simmons liked Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes on
Bora Simmons liked NAAEE x Microsoft Edge: Impact on
Bora Simmons liked The Benefits of Environmental Education for K-12 Students on
Bora Simmons liked NAAEE Accreditation: Distinguished College and University Programs on
Bora Simmons liked Climate Choices - EIF in the Classroom High School Teacher Guide on
Bora Simmons liked Climate Choices: How Should We Meet the Challenges of a Warming Planet? on
Bora Simmons liked Environmental Health Resources for Community Members on