Recognize Excellence in EE Through an NAAEE Award Nomination!

Deadline: August 8, 2022
The environmental education field is full of amazing people and organizations that do incredible things to help our students, citizens, and the natural world.
Take a moment to think about the outstanding efforts of an individual or organization you know. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were recognized for their hard work and dedication? You can make that happen by nominating them for one of the North American Association for Environmental Education awards.
Help us showcase outstanding contributions and elevate the field of environmental education by making a nomination for one of our varied award options.
Note: You must be a current member and logged in to the site to access the nominations form.
- Walter E. Jeske Award
- Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Outstanding Service
- Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE
- Outstanding Affiliate Organization
- Outstanding Service to EE (Individual or Organization)
Award descriptions and criteria can be found on the NAAEE website.
The deadline for nominations is August 8, 2022.
If you have questions regarding the award process, please direct your inquiries to the Awards Chair Brenda Metcalf.