About eePRO

What is eePRO?

eePRO is a free online platform that provides environmental education (EE) professionals and students from around the world with opportunities to network, discuss important issues, and access high-quality professional development resources. Join eePRO to post resources, events, jobs, join groups, and share your profile with the community. Anyone can join eePRO!

Who uses eePRO?

Our eePRO audience includes, but is not limited to:

  • Administrators
  • Curriculum Developers
  • EE Professionals
  • Formal and Nonformal Educators (Early Childhood through Higher Education)
  • Job Seekers
  • Media Specialists
  • Members
  • NAAEE Affiliates (State/Province EE Associations)
  • Parents
  • Policymakers
  • Publishers
  • Researchers
  • State and Federal Agencies
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Young Professionals
How do I create an account?
  1. Locate the top, header menu on eepro.naaee.org, and click on "Log in"
  2. Click the "Create new account" tab
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Click "Create New Account."
How do I log in?
  1. Locate the top, header menu on eepro.naaee.org, and click on "Log in"
  2. Enter your username and password, then click “Log in.” Your username is the email address you used to create an account.
  3. You will be automatically redirected to eePRO.
How do I reset my password?
  1. Locate the top, header menu on eepro.naaee.org, and click on "Log in"
  2. Click on the “Reset your password” tab
  3. Enter the email address you registered with.
  4. Click “Submit.”
  5. You will receive an email in your inbox.
  6. Follow the instructions in the email.

If you have any trouble resetting your password, please contact eepro@naaee.org.

How do I change my username?

Your username is always an email address. If you need to change the email address that you registered with:

  1. Locate the top, header menu on eepro.naaee.org, and click on "Log in"
  2. Log in to your account
  3. You will be redirected to your eePROfile.
  4. Above your background image, click on "Manage Info"
  5. Under Account, click the "Email" field.
  6. Enter your new username (email).
  7. Scroll down, then click “Save.”

If you have any trouble changing your username, please contact eepro@naaee.org

Adding Posts

I'd like to share a resource or other post. How do I begin?

Only people with an eePRO account may submit content.

  1. Log in to your eePRO account (or create an account by clicking the "Log in" link in the top right corner, then clicking on the "Create New Account" tab, and then filling out the form and clicking "Create New Account" at the end.)
  2. Navigate to the All Posts landing page.
  3. Click the "Add Content" button.
  4. Enter the required information on the form.
  5. Leave the Organization and Affiliates fields blank.
  6. Click the "Save" button at the bottom.

If you can't decide what category—Learning, Resource, or Opportunity—your post belongs to, please click on any category and a staff person will choose the appropriate category during the review.

What happens after I save my post?

After you save your post, NAAEE staff check the formatting and content. We may edit text and hyperlinks to ensure web accessibility. We also review the content against our criteria for acceptance.

By uploading new content, submitters agree that materials are copyright-free, or permission is given to use the material.

Please allow 24–48 business hours for our team to review and publish your submission. 

If submitted content does not meet NAAEE's guidelines, the post will be deleted.

If you have any questions or concerns, email us at eePRO@naaee.org.

How do you determine what to accept?

The goal of eePRO is to add the greatest value to environmental educators by providing and promoting the best EE materials available.

NAAEE uses the following criteria specific to the needs of our audience.

We will accept posts that:

  • Offer valuable environmental education resources for our audience
  • Share resources that are maintained well, and author or submitter information is provided
  • Are dedicated to promoting education and/or environmental information
  • Include clear information about the resource and provider, and a link to the resource itself or to a website with information about how to get the resource

We will not accept posts that:

  • Support antigovernment positions or actions
  • Represent work to influence legislation or elected officials at the municipal, state, or federal levels
  • Simply list an individual's own set of bookmarks in the topic area of environmental education or the environment
  • Do not provide a link to the resource or to a website with more information about the resource
  • Contains adult themes or sexually explicit text, images, or photographs
  • Advertises liquor, tobacco, or pornographic products
What's a high-quality post?

Criteria for determining quality environmental education materials to eePRO use basic principles from NAAEE's Guidelines for Excellence.

  1. Resources should be fair and accurate in describing environmental and social conditions.
    • Sources of factual information are well documented and the affiliation of the author of the site is clear.
    • Information and data are drawn from current and respected sources.
  2. Promotes skills and knowledge to gain a variety of experiences and to acquire a basic understanding of environmental topics.
    • Promotes awareness and understanding of environmental concepts.
    • Provides needed information, facts, data, and/or methods related to a topic or issue.
    • Provides skills in areas such as:
      • Inquiry - observation, investigation
      • Critical thinking - resolving, problem solving
      • Decision-making - evaluation, reflection
  3. Motivates and empowers people to act on their own conclusions about what should be done to resolve environmental problems.
    • Inspires participation in a topic or issue.
    • Provides opportunities for action(s). 

Join Groups

What are eePRO Groups?

eePRO Groups are spaces to gather, exchange ideas, and ask questions. Each eePRO Group centers on a specific topic.

Only people with an eePRO account can view public group content and read and respond to discussions. Please consider our Group Participation Guidelines when interacting with others.

Each eePRO Group includes:

  • Announcements: Stay updated on time-sensitive group news.
  • Moderators: eePRO Moderators are our super members! They help keep eePRO Groups running smoothly.
  • Forum: Introduce yourself, ask questions, and discuss important issues.
  • Group Activity: This feed delivers all Learning, Resource, and Opportunity posts tagged to the group in real time.
  • Bulletin Board: This section features content relevant to each specific group.

We hope you will join eePRO Groups to explore topics and connect with your peers.

Join eePRO Groups

I’m interested in an eePRO Group. How do I join?
  1. Log in to eePRO
  2. Navigate to the Groups page
  3. Click on group title that aligns with your interests
  4. Next, click the "Join Group" button located under the group name

Please reach out to eepro@naaee.org if you have any trouble joining your group.

What’s the best way to engage in eePRO Groups?

Hello and welcome to eePRO Groups! Here are a few quick tips to help you engage in groups:

Engage with group members

Visit forums and introduce yourself to the group. Your intro can sprout new connections!

Learn from the community

There are thousands of resources, opportunities, and more already posted. Browse posts on the eePRO Group Activity Feed. And if you find a helpful resource, click “Like” to show you appreciate it!

How can I get more involved in eePRO Groups?

Join an eePRO Group Event

Group moderators will sometimes host virtual events and webinars or chats. Check your inbox or the group’s announcements for an invite.

Share your expertise and insights

Whether you’d like to write about STEAM programming, pedagogy, or anything in between, this is the space to do it! Read our Blogging FAQs at the end of this page.

Do eePRO Groups gather at the NAAEE Annual Conference?

To find out if eePRO Groups will be attending, please check our conference site after registration opens.

It varies from year to year. Moderators volunteer their time to organize and host meetings at annual conferences. It’s not required of them, and we are tremendously grateful.


What topics make great eePRO blog posts?

eePRO is devoted to sharing the latest pedagogy and practices in environmental education. With that said, we realize that the field of EE is multi-faceted, and we are open to innovative approaches and intersectional perspectives.

If the blog you have in mind is related to a specific event or resource, the post should add something more than what would normally go in a content post. For example, writing a post that merely shares an event that is going to happen should most likely be added as an eePRO Post. But a story about a personal experience (whether yours or someone else’s) at NAAEE’s annual conference or another EE-related event, for example, can be a blog post.

Not sure what to write about? Browse eePRO for ideas.

Have you attended one of our eeWEBINARS and applied what you learned in your program? How did it go?

Did you come across a resource and have feedback?

Read a research article or book about environmental education and want to share what you learned?

We want to hear about it!

I’d love to write and share a blog post. How do I start?

Fantastic! First, please familiarize yourself with our submission guidelines. Next, email eepro@naaee.org a copy of your text in a word document (Word or Google Docs).

A note about sharing images.

You do not need to add images to your posts, but you may do so if you wish. If you share any photos, please include a caption and photo credit.

By sharing images on eePRO, you are confirming that you have the rights to do so. This includes ensuring you have permission from the people visible in any photos you share of them. If you are sharing images on behalf of your organization, use images approved for your content promotional purposes.

Read our Terms of Use for more details.

What is your editorial process like?


Once your blog post lands in our inbox, our Digital Community Coordinator will lightly edit it for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Your post may then be approved for publishing or shared with NAAEE’s Communications Team for another review. We will reach out to you to confirm any significant changes before publishing.

Once your post is approved, NAAEE staff or an eePRO Group Moderator will add a draft to eePRO.


When we’re adding a blog post to eePRO, we may select parts of your text to highlight as quotes. We may also break up large paragraphs, insert headings, and add images. These formatting changes help with readability.


We will tag your post to any relevant eePRO Groups. Your post will show up in that group’s activity feed and may also be featured on the group’s bulletin board. Your post may also be tagged to eeNEWS.

Once your post is edited, formatted, and tagged to relevant eePRO Groups, we will publish it and send you a confirmation email.

If I have any questions, who can I reach out to?

Please send any questions or concerns to eepro@naaee.org.

Terms of Use

Please note: Refer to the Terms of Use Agreement for users on all NAAEE websites, including eePRO.

eePRO is provided by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 83695801 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed on eePRO are solely those of the North American Association for Environmental Education and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned on this website. By participating in the eePRO community, you agree to be respectful of others and abide by the following eePRO Guidelines, included in the Terms of Use.