[CLOSED] NAAEE 2024 Conference and Research Symposium: Call for Presentations

NAAEE seeks presentations for the 53rd Annual Conference and 21st Annual Research Symposium, to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 5–9!
Submissions deadline: April 26, 2024
We are looking for compelling proposals to address this year's theme, "Building Bridges." Please note: The events take place over U.S. Election Day. Please plan accordingly to vote early or remotely if you are a voter in the United States.
Annual Conference
Our conference draws inspiration from Pittsburgh's iconic bridges, celebrating their symbolic significance while embracing our theme of "Building Bridges" to address challenges in the environmental education landscape. In a world grappling with complex environmental and social issues, ranging from climate change to injustice, the need for collaboration and understanding is more crucial than ever.
Research Symposium
NAAEE’s annual Research Symposium convenes researchers from around the globe to explore the current state and future directions of environmental education research. Participants engage in spirited dialogue about ongoing research and studies in their initial stages, fostering collaboration among researchers, graduate students, policymakers, and practitioners at all stages of their careers. The symposium seeks to advance the use of practices proven to be effective as we confront myriad challenges ranging from climate change to environmental, economic, and racial injustices.
Learn more and submit proposals at conference.naaee.org.
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