Global EE

Global EE

Global EE

Are you working in a country outside of North America and want to connect to other EE professionals? Are you working in North America but want to learn more about the great EE work happening in other countries? The eePRO Global EE Group is open to everyone and is a way to connect with other EE professionals around the globe. 

The Global EE group on eePRO is the professional development and resource sharing space of the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). The GEEP is a partnership between the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and NAAEE. Its mission is to create a vibrant learning network designed to strengthen environmental education globally to create a more sustainable future for all.

By joining the Global eePRO group, you will be subscribed to the quarterly GEEP newsletter.

Make sure you’re logged into eePRO to access all the Group features, like the forum and member activity feeds! 

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