2021 NAAEE Conference & Research Symposium—Call for Presentations (Deadline Extended)

(Deadline Extended to May 11!) For five decades, NAAEE has convened one of the leading annual conferences for environmental education professionals. And the annual research symposium attracts new and established researchers to examine in-progress EE research and promote dialogue between researchers and practitioners. As we meet virtually for the second time and celebrate a milestone anniversary, we'll be looking back at the past fifty years and thinking ahead to the next fifty. During this unprecedented time, our Annual Conference and Research Symposium will bring together educators, students, researchers, global leaders, and rising stars to leverage the power of connection to advance environmental literacy.
We seek compelling proposals that focus on the power of connection for our 50th Annual Conference and 18th Annual Research Symposium, to be held virtually in October.
We encourage international submissions and will have presentations slots that accommodate different time zones. ALL who have EE experiences, knowledge, stories, and wisdom are highly encouraged to submit a proposal for #NAAEE2021 by Friday, May 11 (please note deadline extension). Please share with colleagues and students TODAY!