
Students at Tree Heroes Club dig into hands-on ecological investigations—measuring trees, studying leaves, and learning about the local watershed. But they're also growing something bigger: community. Read a new Watershed Chronicles blog post from Boxerwood, a grantee of the eeBLUE 21st CCLC…
Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group, Inc. connects youth with marine science through hands-on learning with support from an eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grant. From shucking oysters to community programs, MVSG is cultivating the next generation of environmental stewards.
Are you taking your college coursework and workshops online? The K–12 EE Guidelines: Online Teaching Module provides materials to use in your college course or professional development workshop including a step-by-step introduction to NAAEE's K–12 Environmental Education: Guidelines for Excellence.
Step aboard with Saltwater Classroom and the Nauti Sisters as they team up to film a behind-the-scenes look at a Maine oyster farm. These videos will become part of Saltwater Classroom’s Online Ocean Literacy Platform, making aquaculture education more accessible than ever.
Through exciting hands-on experiences like investigating the quality of their local waterways and participating in a stewardship project, students in the School Grounds to Sound program discover new possibilities in the natural world. Read more in this new post of the Watershed Chronicles series.
Learn about the success of the ee360+ coalition and its Partner Gathering at the NAAEE 2024 Annual Conference, showcasing how collaboration is advancing environmental education and achieving meaningful progress toward complex environmental goals.
For Earth Team interns, addressing the challenges of the 21st century starts right at home. Read the inaugural post of eeBLUE's Watershed Chronicles to learn how Earth Team is partnering with local government agencies and organizations to deliver impactful projects to high schools across California.
Zoos and aquariums strive to be welcoming and inclusive spaces for science and environmental learning for people of all ages. As part of this commitment to cater to the needs of diverse audiences, they've been working to improve the experience of visitors, staff, interns, and volunteers with autism.
Learn about the UDL EE course offered by North Carolina Affiliates and how it addresses barriers to help environmental educators build their knowledge and expertise to make EE more accessible and inclusive to all learners.
Despite ongoing conflict in Northern Uganda, ERONet empowers women, youth, and people with disabilities through innovative Environmental STEM programs. By addressing unemployment and educational inequality, they equip communities with the skills to tackle local and global environmental challenges.
CEE-Change Fellow Mariam Kabamba describes how the Fellowship revived her hope and provided the support she needed to run a youth-focused environmental and climate leadership training in the Haut Katanga province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
CEE-Change Fellow and Director of Education at Westport River Watershed Alliance, Kim Botelho, shares how the Fellowship shaped her career and approach to education. Her project introduced students to climate education, showing them how their actions, big or small, can impact the environment.
CEE-Change Fellow Hamza Malik discusses the impact of community partnerships on his Community Action Project to raise awareness of coastal bird habitats at the Lloyd Center for the Environment Estuary.
Guest writer Sarah Schaffner shares how a social media campaign was leveraged to bring awareness and knowledge about animals that are not always a fan favorite.
CEE-Change Fellow Vanessa Barela knows the value of outdoor education. Join Vanessa on a journey of self-discovery. She discusses how she broke barriers to promote outdoor learning within the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and what she learned about herself throughout the process.
As a longtime training partner on the ee360+ initiative, Project Learning Tree (PLT) is a community of people passionate about educating the next generation about environmental issues. Learn how two PLT Coordinators are bringing nature-based learning to more students in their communities.
Two Texas, USA high schoolers went on a water treatment plant tour and came up with an award-winning, innovative design that uses ultrasound technology to remove up to 96% of microplastics from water.
CEE-Change Fellow Jeff Geist discusses how the Fellowship was a transformative experience and how he implemented what he learned into his Community Action Project by working with adults and children to build climate resilience in his community.
CEE-Change Fellow Jaeydah Edwards embarked on a mission to help Cincinnati residents understand how climate change impacts air quality and their health. Read more in Clearing the Air on Climate Change in Cincinnati, Ohio, and what they can do to fight this issue.
To mark Apollo 14's 50th Anniversary, NASA and the USDA Forest Service sent seeds to outer space for the Moon Trees Project. Learn about one of the Moon Trees planted at the Botanic Garden in Traverse City, Michigan.
CEE-Change Fellow Gitanjali Paul empowers educators as change agents for a sustainable world. Read about her Community Action Project that connects educators from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to integrate climate education and action through systems thinking to tackle complex issues.
Our CEE-Change Fellow and 8th-grade science teacher at Haslett Middle School, Bridget Booth, shares her journey of teachers and students working together to overcome barriers and implement meaningful, interdisciplinary climate change education in public schools in Michigan.
AUNE and the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education put NAAEE's Community Engagement Guidelines into practice through relationship building, trust, and inclusive facilitation to improve environmental education practices and increase environmental literacy in their region.
As global demand for natural resources rises, balancing extraction with environmental conservation is crucial. Musa Kondeh explored the link between mining and freshwater ecosystems during an 8-week conservation externship with the National Geographic Society and the Nature Conservancy.