GEEP Case Study: Popularizing an Environmental Education Project: A Case Study of the Eco-Picture Diary in Yokohama City, Japan

In "Popularizing an Environmental Education Project: A Case Study of the Eco-Picture Diary in Yokohama City, Japan," the report set out to investigate exactly how the Eco-Picture Diary Environmental Education Project achieved their sustainability goals.
Through an interdisciplinary integration of art and environmental education, the Eco-Picture Diary Environmental Education Project (EDEEP) successfully helped reduce garbage waste production by 43%.
EDEEP engaged over 250,000 elementary students in creating their own eco-picture diary. The diary and its accompanying curriculum incorporated place-based education, eco-pedagogy, reflective learning, and backcasting. In the process of making an eco-picture diary, students used art and writing to embody a sense of place and conceptualization of a future sustainable society.
The effectiveness of EDEEP's programming inspired buy-in and collaboration across society stakeholders, including parents, educators, school boardmembers, private companies, and government agencies.
The Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) case studies examine best practices and produce in-depth reports to help spark ideas. Visit the GEEP site to download the full report: Popularizing an environmental education project: A case study of the eco-picture diary in Yokohama City, Japan | Global Environmental Education Partnership