Environmental Fridays Lecture Series Seeking Co-Hosts

Environmental Fridays is seeking individuals to co-host episodes in the 2024–2025 season. All are welcome to participate: Students, community members, teachers, or professionals in the area. Environmental Fridays' Founding Director Desmond Murray leads this weekly lecture series and invites you to help facilitate an episode of your choice!
Included in this post are the season schedules (Fall 2024 and Spring 2025). Your responsibilities are simple: introduce the guest speaker (bio will be given to you) and assist in the Q&A session after the speaker's presentation. Simply pick an episode you'd like to co-host and send your request to Desmond Murray (murrayd@andrews.edu) with a short ~100-word bio of yourself and a non-embedded high-res jpeg photo.
If there is more than one request for any single episode, Desmond reserves the right to select.