11th World Environmental Education Congress—Call for Proposals


11th World Environmental Education Congress—Call for Proposals


The next World Environmental Education Congress will occur March 14-18, 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic AND online. This is an international gathering of researchers and practitioners dedicated to high quality environmental education. Field trips to local nonformal EE sites will complement presentations, posters, and plenaries. NAAEE is excited to share that our Executive Director, Judy Braus, will be a keynote speaker for the 11th World Environmental Education Congress, among many other superb leaders of EE.

Please begin planning to make a contribution by completing a proposal and submitting it by August 31.

Research-oriented, conceptual, and theoretical research presentations as well as practice-oriented presentations, field sessions, and the sharing of experiences are welcome.

For more information, please see the promotional video of the Congress and go to https://weec2022.org.