Sikela Namangolwa

Sikela Namangolwa

Environmental Education Officer

Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Civic Engagement, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecosystems, EE Certification, Environmental Literacy, Forestry, Health, NAAEE Publication, Policy/Advocacy, Sustainability, Water

I am a passionate environmental educator working to teach Zambian Children, the Youths and general members of the Zambian populace about their Environmental Heritage, Climate Change and the need to manage our natural resources in a conservative manner.

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I am currently working at the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia (WECSZ) as an Environmental Education Officer. WECSZ has an environmental outreach program it has been implementing in Zambia since the 1970s. It's mainly targeted at offering environmental education services to the young children and youths of Zambia. 

It is this program (known as Chongololo and Chipembele Conservation Clubs of Zambia) that I am specialised in with my environmental education background. In this program, I work with school teachers in the Ministry of Education to facilitate various environmental lessons and together conduct some school projects with the learners. I have served at this organization for close to seven years and in that time frame, I have mastered and contributed an assortment of experiences and skills.

I have facilitated a number of training programs for teachers and pupils, developed learning materials and spearheaded projects centered on environmental protection and conservation. I am still serving at WECSZ and look forward to sharing my experiences with the rest of the world and equally continuously learn from other environmental educators experiences.

See a few selected work photos here.

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