Rebecca Roy

Rebecca Roy (she/her)

Interpretive Program Manager

Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Civic Engagement, Climate Change, Conservation, Culture and Art, Ecosystems, Environmental Literacy, Environmental Quality, EPA Priority, Evaluation and Assessment, Forestry, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Social Marketing and Communication Strategies, Sustainability, Urban EE

I am passionate about connecting people to the cultural and natural resources in our beautiful landscape of the Green Mountain State. 

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My passion for conservation education and interpretation started with a degree in Environmental Education from Unity College in Maine, and a job as a natural science educator at the College of the Atlantic (many years ago). This was followed by a master’s degree in Science Education from the University of Maine, and over 15 years working seasonally as an interpreter, naturalist, camp director, park ranger, ski instructor, and classroom teacher. Currently, and for the last fifteen years, I enjoy my work as the Parks Interpretive Program Manager with Vermont State Parks. I direct the state parks interpretive program. I am proud of my seasonal interpretive staff, they reach over 50,000 park visitors with thematic programming annually. I also coordinate the Project Learning Tree program in Vermont, which is a preschool through grade 12 conservation education curriculum collection delivered through high-quality professional development experiences. I love the beautiful places my work takes me, and I enjoy Vermont even more through swimming, hiking, camping, canoeing, hunting, and skiing.

Vermont Project Learning Tree

Vermont State Parks




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