Kristie Wagner (She/her)
K-12 Science Teacher
K-12 Science
Menomonee Falls,
Roles at NAAEE
Kristie Wagner is a middle/high school science teacher near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After 6 years in the classroom, she is now focusing on raising her two sons, and teaching them everything she can about their world and environment. She has taught and created curricula for Biology (9-10), Physical Science (7-10), Anatomy and Physiology (10-11), and Environmental Science (11-12), as well as K-6 Summer Enrichment (WI Wildlife and Intro to Science) in her first 6 years of teaching, and will continue to develop and improve content within her current practice to address issues and misconceptions with climate change. Kristie hopes to impress upon her students, and her children, the importance of taking care of our planet and understanding climate change within different content areas. She has worked extensively with the NGSS and WI State Standards to help her achieve that goal.
Kristie chose to earn her Master of Science in Ecological Teaching and Learning (ETL) through Lesley University (Cambridge, MA). She has worked to apply the skills and knowledge she gained from this program in her teaching, as well as her own personal life and actions during the program and since its completion in January of 2018. This program was designed for educators to develop and increase their own understanding of Ecology, the environment, systems and sustainability through place based learning in order to develop and take new tools with them into the classroom to help enrich their students' learning experiences in those areas. These experiences provide a strong foundation for helping others begin to understand the importance of their role and connection to climate change.
With her background in K-12 education, Kristie happily brings a specific set of skills to the eePRO community geared towards using the NGSS standards within science content areas for both middle and high school levels, and a knowledge base working with many useful resources for both classroom and non K-12 environmental education settings.