Victor Ayegba Mathew

Victor Ayegba Mathew (Him/His)

Environmental Educator



Roles at NAAEE



Climate Change, Ecosystems, Environmental Literacy, Nonformal Education, PreK-12, Water

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Victor Ayegba Mathew is a community development and environmental educator with more than 7 years of experience in promoting eco-friendly solutions and creating programs for environmental learning across schools in Nigeria. 


He has supported and volunteered for countless organisations related to water, environment, and nature education. He encourages sustainable interaction with the environment through proper waste management demonstrations and activities that educate community members.


Victor has been actively involved with environmental firms in his country in both paid and volunteer roles. He volunteered as an assistant data collector for Greenfaith during the 2021 FaithsforClimate Justice, with EarthCharter as a course co-facilitator, and organized campus FaithsforClimate justice under Greenfaith. Victor also partnered with the Swarovski WaterSchool Project (EarthChild International) to promote WASH projects across schools in Nigeria. Currently, he teaches at Sahel Academy Kano state, Nigeria as an Environmental Educator and a fellow with the Foundation For Environmental Education GAIA Fellowship.


Victor has a degree in Environmental Science, and a Post Graduate diploma in disaster and risk management. He has completed a program with the University for Peace on Systems Thinking and Regenerative Leadership, and a Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics course with EarthCharter. He was recently recognized as a Climate Champion with the Climate Leadership Fellowship (Climate Smart Nigeria) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Network (Nigeria). He's also one of the young persons trained and certified by former United States Vice President Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leader.  


Driven by the desire for an environmental sustainability-conscious and eco-literate world with individuals and institutions as its frontrunners, Victor is always looking to boost his skills in project design and systems thinking, behavioral change processes, community and educational engagement, corporate social responsibility/investment, social leadership, and people management to amplify the work he’s already doing in the environmental space locally and globally.

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Victor Ayegba Mathew is a community development and environmental educator with more than 7 years of experience in promoting eco-friendly solutions and creating programs for environmental learning across schools in Nigeria. 


He has supported and volunteered for countless organisations related to water, environment, and nature education. He encourages sustainable interaction with the environment through proper waste management demonstrations and activities that educate community members.


Victor has been actively involved with environmental firms in his country in both paid and volunteer roles. He volunteered as an assistant data collector for Greenfaith during the 2021 FaithsforClimate Justice, with EarthCharter as a course co-facilitator, and organized campus FaithsforClimate justice under Greenfaith. Victor also partnered with the Swarovski WaterSchool Project (EarthChild International) to promote WASH projects across schools in Nigeria. Currently, he teaches at Sahel Academy Kano state, Nigeria as an Environmental Educator and a fellow with the Foundation For Environmental Education GAIA Fellowship.


Victor has a degree in Environmental Science, and a Post Graduate diploma in disaster and risk management. He has completed a program with the University for Peace on Systems Thinking and Regenerative Leadership, and a Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics course with EarthCharter. He was recently recognized as a Climate Champion with the Climate Leadership Fellowship (Climate Smart Nigeria) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Network (Nigeria). He's also one of the young persons trained and certified by former United States Vice President Al Gore as a Climate Reality Leader.  


Driven by the desire for an environmental sustainability-conscious and eco-literate world with individuals and institutions as its frontrunners, Victor is always looking to boost his skills in project design and systems thinking, behavioral change processes, community and educational engagement, corporate social responsibility/investment, social leadership, and people management to amplify the work he’s already doing in the environmental space locally and globally.

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