Terri McLeod
STEM Specialists
Kingswood Montessori STEM Magnet Elementary School
Roles at NAAEE
I am President of our local Wild Ones Chapter and educate and advocate for native plants and natural landscapes. I have spent a year and a half converting my grass lawn to a native food forest, so my neighbors stop by often to find out what is going on and get tours of what is new, different and why. I am also an elementary teacher, and the PTA asked me to form a committee at school to bring native plants to our campus. It has grown so much over the last year. We have been awarded a solar panel grant, expanded our composting, created many native gardens, installed a mini pond with the help of the Museum of Natural Sciences and partnered with the Audubon Society. We are continuing to learn as educators and bring the young people along by creating the Junior Green Team so the children can lead the way.
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