Drew Burnett
Senior Advisor
Rock Bottom Inc.
Roles at NAAEE
Drew Burnett is a retired Federal civil servant with 32 years of service in the U.S. Peace Corps, Environmental Protection Agency, Forest Service, and Fish and Wildlife Service. Beginning in July 2019, Drew began working part-time as a consultant specializing in meeting facilitation services focused on policy development, decision making, team building, and visioning and strategic planning. Drew is also interested in short-term (NTE 3 months) project leader work focused on environmental education and natural resource management and policy development. Current clients include the North American Association for Environmental Education, Project Learning Tree, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He loves practicing his Spanish, triathlon training, gardening at their weekend home in Garrett County, MD, and volunteering at the house museum Fallingwater. Drew lives in Washington, DC with his husband of 22 years, and their kitty, Stella.
User Activity
Drew Burnett liked eeRESEARCH Feature: Water Inspires Wonder and More on January 4, 2023
Drew Burnett liked UC Davis Youth-Focused Citizen and Community Science Toolkit on January 4, 2023