Today, COP 23 begins in Bonn, Germany. This two-week-long UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, is the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP23). It brings nations of the world together to continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change. In addition to the official national delegations from around the world, educators from all parts of the globe will also be convening. NAAEE Members from the U.S., India, Australia will be there speaking up. Here are some highlights and resources to connect you with COP 23 from an environmental education perspective.
* ALAN REID will be blogging about COP23 over in our eePro Climate Change Education group and will be launching a virtual special issue of the EER journal focused on climate change education and research (see during UNESCO's Nov 16 day-long session on Climate Change Education.
* KARTIKEYA SARABHAI, will lead a session at the Indian Pavilion.
*Kristen Poppleton will lead Climate Generation's publication of COP23 Updates including daily webinars and blogs. Sign up to receive daily updates from COP23 via Climate Generation!
On Nov. 14, participate in the CLEAN Network Teleconference (11/14/17 at 1 PM Eastern): two members of the MN Delegation to COP 23 will be conducting "LIVE FROM BONN". Hear directly from two Climate Generation delegates, John Olson, State Science Specialist, MN Department of Education, and Adri Arquin, 13-year-old middle school student, as they share their experiences and perspectives live from COP23!