Resources for Indigenous Peoples' Day


Resources for Indigenous Peoples' Day

Photo of a person holding an orange flag with a feather and the text, "Every Child Matters." Text overlays state, "Indigenous Peoples' Day. Outdoor Learning School and Store. outdoor learning (dot) com back slash Indigenous resources usa"

In advance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day on October 14, we would like to recommend these excellent Indigenous Learning Resources.

These are all made available on the recommendation of Indigenous staff, advisors and partners, and are all written, created, developed and offered by Indigenous authors, educators and artists, and offered in partnership with a variety of Indigenous publishers, partners and organizations.

In the resource list, you can find:

  • Workshops and resources for educators
  • 4 Seasons (Years) of Indigenous Learning courses
  • Books for adults
  • Resources for secondary/post-secondary learners
  • Resources for intermediate/middle school learners
  • Resources for primary/early years learners
Photo of a person holding an orange flag with a feather and the text, "Every Child Matters." Text overlays state, "Indigenous Peoples' Day. Outdoor Learning School and Store. outdoor learning (dot) com back slash Indigenous resources usa"