EPA Alumni Association: Environmental Teach-ins for High School and College Classes

EPA Alumni Association Environmental Teach-ins for High School Classes to mark the anniversaries of Earth Day (4/22/70) and the Birth of EPA (12/2/70) – Available for the current Spring Semester.
The EPA Alumni Association is pleased to offer a “teach-in” for teachers and students interested in learning about the environmental problems our country faced prior to the first Earth Day, how EPA, states, and others addressed these issues in the 50 years following, and the environmental challenges facing our nation and planet in the future. We have former EPA experts across the country who are volunteering their time to share their expertise and experiences with our nation’s future environmental leaders – your students.
Using compelling visuals, EPA Alumni volunteers have prepared presentations that cover the origins of the environmental movement, an overview of how environmental science informs policymaking, a summary of progress made in the last 50 years as well as remaining challenges, most notably climate change. We also have more in-depth, specific topics such as air quality and water resources. The presentations are based on the Association’s project, Environmental Protection: A Half Century of Progress, a series of reports written by about 60 of the 2,100 members of the EPA Alumni Association. Presentations can be tailored to meet the interests ranging from incoming high school students to students completing AP Environmental Science classes.
Our volunteers will work with teachers in advance to include an interactive session that addresses questions and issues of particular interest to the class and/or the curriculum. We are offering these as remote presentations in the current spring semester (March/April/May) as well as well as Fall 2021. Interested teachers or schools should contact John Bachmann: johnbachmannva@icloud.com - 919 619-0769