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GUIDIGLO Enam Koffi Gbondjidi

Je suis coordinateur des Branches Locales de JVE au Togo. Je suis activiste sur la gestion et la conservation de la Biodiversité et du Changement Climatique? Je suis spécialiste des Sciences de l'Education. Je coordonne les activités liées à l'éducation environnementale au Togo

Kala Rush

I love finding and sharing new ways to learn, especially when it is connected to one's place. My time in the MT Conservation Corps, AmeriCorps, and as a teacher has changed how I view education- the chance to glean a sense of connection from nature is something I want every student to experience.

Donna Rogler

Marina Astin

Beth Kochevar

Meghan Post

Orbel Minassian

Duane Hills

Sandra Elsner

Hi! I teach Nature Studies to prek-8 at a classical education school and also teach k-3 nature study homeschool classes. I have also developmed a class on Maps and habitats for homeschool classes.

Elaine Alvey

Jesse Nelson

Zee Zetino

Calli Gunderman

Rachel Becker-Klein

Kelley Duffelmeyer

Pam Miller

Elise Cassie

Kelsey Desmond

Rebecca Meyer

Elise Goplerud

Marian Brown

Sarah Oberther

halle mumford

Melanie Berry