Resources during COVID-19 [Most resources compiled in March/April 2020]

Personally, I am safe and physically healthy. Ask me about my mental health in a couple of weeks though. My “community” which could be defined in so many ways (family, friends, coworkers, fellow volunteers, other gym-rats, people at my favorite haunts) seems to be disintegrating. I’m writing this in the hopes of reaching out, helping others, helping myself...My feelings of helplessness are high. This on-line forum seems built for days like this.
I just looked through the other eePRO groups and I don’t think anyone has written about COVID-19 yet but most likely all of the different topic areas will be impacted (K-12, Higher Ed, Data, Connecting to Nature, Affiliates, etc.). Topics like: How do you talk to your children about this? The importance of getting out in nature now but how it is a privilege for many. How can we help non-profits that rely on conference and event fees (i.e. Affiliates)?
Hannah Brechtel with The Social Marketing Association of North America helped compile the information below, along with support from my colleagues at the Center for Biological Diversity, the NC EE forum and many others who are sharing resources on various lists over the last few weeks. [Updated April 7]. If you have something to add, please note it in the comments.
NAAEE recently posted a blog about COVID for affiliates here and they have made a page here to start aggregating resources. There is also an NAAEE COVID discussion page here. NEW
Informational resources about COVID-19:
- Centers for Disease Control: COVID-19, CDC Briefing room videos
- National Institutes of Health: COVID-19
- The Global Health Network: COVID-19
- World Health Organization: COVID-19 technical guidance
Data about COVID-19:
- Flutrackers (crowdsourced updates and reports of infectious diseases by country)
- Johns Hopkins Map of COVID-19 Outbreak
- World Health Organization Situation reports
- WorldoMeter: Coronavirus
Resources for educators:
- NAAEE list of EE Home-based and Distance Learning - NEW
- Activity ideas during physical distancing: Activities, Books to read, Educational resources per topic, Game ideas, Mindfullness and wellness, Movie/TV ideas, Podcats, Virtual tours and field trips, Virtual volunteering (Crowdsourced and updated regularly)
- Coronavirus Human Resource Guide (crowdsourced and regularly updated). Of interest to this group:
- Jump to "Activities with kids at home"
- Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring Coronavirus (NPR)
- Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Childcare Programs & K-12 (CDC)
- Free, Online Learning Resources When Coronavirus Closes Schools (Cato Institute)
- Activities to do with Your Kids (Hands-on as We Grow)
- Giant List of Ideas for Being Home with Kids (google doc)
- Survival Guide for WFH Parents with Kids (Google Doc via Jessica Yuen)
- Remote Teaching Resources for Business Continuity (91 universities)
- Educational Companies Offering Free Subscriptions
- Khan Academy Schedules for School Closures (Google Doc, Khan Academy)
- Companies giving back
- Zoom - Giving K-12 Schools Video Conferencing Tools for Free
- MISC - Education companies offering free services (Google Doc)
- Khan Academy: How can Khan Academy be used for remote learning during school closures? Khan Academy is a free resource for students, teachers, and parents.
- Sprint/Verizon/T-Mobile/AT&T - Offering unlimited data to customer for 60 days
- Dell - Donating cash and computers
- CDC game about virus outbreaks
- Class Central
- Climate Interactive
- Coursera: Ways to keep learning with your kids at home
- Crash Course
- NAAEE blog: Professional Development Resources for Educators - NEW
- NAAEE Blog: Virtual Tours and Field Trips - NEW
- National Parks virtual tours
- NC Office of Environmental Education: COVID-19 educational support, search “COVID-19” under “Resource Type”
- Neighborhood activities
- Out/Site: Online events, Music and concerts, Theater and Performance, Art, Online learning, Fitness and meditation, Animals and outdoors, Games and shared experiences (crowdsourced and updated regularly)
- Population Education Distance Learning at Home
- Resources for parents during Coronavirus (crowdsourced and regularly updated)
- Scholastic Learn at Home
- Virtual field trips
- World Ocean Observatory Resources
- World Wildlife Fund environmental education teaching resources
- Young Naturalists Club (Rural Action) - NEW
- Jump to "Activities with kids at home"
Hosting virtual events:
- This group is trying to track the number of events and conferences being canceled (and money lost) due to Coronavirus. It includes concerts and sporting events. Updated five times a day.
- Building a virtual community (Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance)
- Going Virtual: Top tips for trainings and facilitators (Campaign Bootcamp) - NEW
- Leading Groups Online: A down-and-dirty guide to leading online courses, meetings, trainings and events - NEW
- List of tips, tools and examples for online events (CMX)
- Moving environmental ed classes online (thread from Higher Ed eePRO)
- Non-profit Digital Strategy Virtual Summit (Rad Campaign)
- Nonprofit Learning Lab about online meetings and webinars - NEW
- People's Hub for free tech support and coaching for your online public trainings and workshops - NEW
- Slide template for engaging remote meetings and webinars - click link to save your own editable copy of template slides)
- Training for Change’s online series including: Designing dynamic spaces online, Facilitating online meetings, Leading an online training or webinar, When things go wrong online
- Turning your in-person trainings into virtual trainings: 6 tips and tools (TESA Collective) - NEW
- Virtual Conferences: Engaging People Remotely
- What is Involved with Changing a Physical Event to a Virtual Conference
Social Marketing classes, resources, webinars, etc:
- The Behavioral Side of the Coronavirus: Articles - Updated regularly (Behavioral Scientist)
- Behavioral design, behavioral economics or gamification courses - free and paid
- Change for Good Crash Course (Social Marketing University) - Free through April
- NAAEE Blog: Professional development during a Pandemic - NEW
- Social Marketing class (Griffith University) - Free
- Technical guide to Social Marketing (European Centre for Disease Control)
- Tiny Habits approach class (BJ Fogg) - Free
Crisis communication support:
- COVID-19 Communication Resources (CDC)
- Risk communication and community engagement (WHO)
- Brand Communications Guidelines in Time of Crisis (from Twitter)
- Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic (NAAEE) - NEW
- Communicating About Coronavirus: Lessons Learned from Ebola and other emergencies (from Medium)
- Communications in the Time of Coronavirus (from GrassFed Media)
- Coronavirus Communications Crisis Triage Kit (crowdsourced and regularly updated from The Communications Network)
- Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL): COVID-19/Coronavirus Resources (crowdsourced)
- Health Crisis Communication Knowledge-Previously shared (Communications Initiative) - NEW
- Non-profit Communications in the age of Coronavirus (Resource Media)
- Social and Behavior Change Communication practitioner webinar recordings about COVID-19 (March 31 and April 2) - NEW
Behavior Change Intervention ideas:
- A Weak System Under Attack: Coronavirus Exploits Our Nation’s Chronic Disinvestment in Working Families
- #20SecondChallenge (from Twitter, started by SMANA’s Neil Hopkins)
- #Comms4Good (use on social media to share resources and education about efficient health and behavior practices)
- Hand washing poster using music of your choice
- Icons for coronavirus awareness (Iconfinder) - NEW
- Infographics on preparedness, protection and coping (WHO)
- Pledge “to coordinate collective action against the Coronavirus”
- Political organizing and campaigning in the time of Coronavirus
- Public Domain image files - located in digital press kit (CDC)
- SMS applications - How to build (RapidPro)
Articles and videos:
- Going viral: Asia takes on the coronavirus with songs, dances (from Aljazeera)
- How Culture Impacts Our Reaction to Being Sick (from PsychCentral)
- Lassitude: The emotion of being sick (from Science Direct)
- LitCovid: a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus via PubMed - NEW
- The lockdown: One month in Wuhan (Chinese Government Television Network documentary on their response to COVID-19.)
Coping with stress, Other:
- COVID-19 resources: Employers + Workers + Financial assistance, Educational resources, Meals, Pets, Vital utilities + entertainment, Legal assistance, Mental health, Physical health, Artists + Freelance, Social justice, Travel, Delivery, Resources for elders, Resources for marginalized folks, Volunteer + donation opps, State resources (crowdsourced and regularly updated)
- Coronavirus: How Emotional Contagion Exacts a Toll
- 7 Science-Based Strategies to Cope with Coronavirus Anxiety
- 13 Of the Best Apps to Manage Your Stress
- Database of Localized Resources During Corona Outbreak (crowdsourced and regularly updated)
- Develop skills and coping mechanisms to overcome anxiety and build resilience (Dibble Institute) - NEW
WeVideo is another company who is giving back by offering support to schools affected by COVID-19.
Wow, Kelley, this is amazing! Thanks for putting this all together!
I just updated the COVID-19 resource list on March 28.
Thank you for putting this list together! As things are changing so fast, all the information can be hard to navigate. It's great to have one place to locate the information you might need.
Thank you for compiling this list, Kelly!