BackyardBio Classroom Resources

The "Resources" page ( provides a wide array of easy to use resources for kids—some developed independently and some linking to top notch nature activities from our partner organizations: - includes user guides for Seek, INaturalist, Bioblitzes and a video of the 10-minute nature challenge—Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants' Jesse Hildebrand's 10-minute effort to document as many species as possible in a local park - has activities for kids broken down by age bracket, from sketching animal guides to resources on how to fight ocean plastic and more - encourages kids to take action with their new found love of nature by sharing resources that they can use to make a positive difference for nature - And finally, the poster section provides an ever growing array of inspirational images encouraging kids to get outside, congratulating them for efforts to explore, and sharing info about the BackyardBio campaign