Teaching Green in the Elementary Years

Join educators from Green Teacher to discover kid-tested practical ideas to help young people develop a strong connection with the natural world, and support their understanding of the social and global aspects of our environment. They will offer a snapshot of stories that cover a wide spectrum of environmental topics and present a large diversity of practical projects and learning strategies.
Green Teacher is a registered charity serving a global network. They are dedicated to helping educators, both inside and outside of schools, enhance environmental literacy among young learners.
Upon registration, registrants will receive a discount code by email to support them in accessing educators' resources, including resources from Green Teachers such as Teaching Green (Elementary Years, Middle Years and High School Years) as well as Teaching Kids About Climate Change, Teaching Teens About Climate Change and Teaching About Invasive Species.
All registrants will be entered to win some great draw prizes! Following the workshop, you will receive a link to access your Certificate of Attendance.