Making Moves

Hello to all members of the eePRO Community!
Registration doors for the May to June Making Moves course are now OPEN!
The Making Moves online course guides you through the exact steps to design an outreach plan that motivates action for the planet. Such as:
- Creating clarity around what it takes to achieve behavior change.
- Identifying concrete steps your audience will take to protect the planet.
- Getting to know your audience's barriers through a lens of behavioral and social science.
- Applying different motivators to help audiences start and sustain their journey.
You receive personal, hands-on help applying behavior change strategies to your projects, so by the end of the course, you will have a unique MMAP for your behavior change goal. MMAP = Making Moves Action Plan!
If you're interested in applying Behavioral and Social Science techniques but are not sure where to begin, this is the course for you!
Here are the details:
✅ The course runs for 8 weeks. Live, interactive lessons take place weekly over Zoom.
✅ In addition to live lessons, you receive guided worksheets, personalized feedback, and supplemental resources.
✅ Registration is OPEN for the May to June cohort at this link:
✅ The last day to register is April 22, 2024.
✅ Group rates are available!
Please reach out if you have questions or would like to enroll a group in the course.
Thank you!
Brooke Tully