A Quest for Meaning documentary


A Quest for Meaning documentary

A Quest for Meaning tells the story of Marc and Nathanaël, two childhood friends who take an impromptu road trip attempting to uncover the causes of our current global crisis and to discover a way to bring about change.

The two friends invite us to share their quest as they meet with activists, biologists, philosophers, and custodians of ancient traditions. Equipped with nothing more than a tiny camera and a microphone they document some of the solutions that are laying the foundations for a sustainable world. This life-changing journey restores confidence in our ability to bring about change both within ourselves and in society.

Among the people they talk to are Vandana Shiva, Trinh Xuan Thuan, Satish Kumar, Pierre Rabhi, Hervé Kempf, Bruce Lipton and Cassandra Vieten.

87 minutes

Directed by Nathanaël Coste, Marc de la Ménardière

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/249824589

"Rollicking...A Quest for Meaning is the 'Let's Go' of environmental and spiritual awakening." Paul Wapner, Professor of Global Environmental Politics, American University

"I can't wait to show this 'map' to inquisitive students searching for course change and for wise advice on how to create a future that is plausible, desirable, and achievable!" Joni Adamson, Director, Environmental Humanities Initiative, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University