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Leigh Rowe

Eileen Garcia-Sanchez

Kara Alverson

Rameen Tajj

Kaila Key

Brianna McCoy

Sydney Blair

Heather Hendershot

Peter Dunn

Peter Dunn is an experiential educator and a conservationist. He is the founder and president of La Lucena ELC Foundation, Argentina and spearheads ground-breaking projects in experiential education, sustainable living,  and global citizenry in Argentina. He is publishing his first book "Our Nature"

Dee Dee Wilson

Catie Hamel

Aerial Boggs

Kenneth Rainer

I have a MS, Biology from Texas A&M University – CC with a focus in marine population genetics, and a BS, Biology from Texas A&M Galveston, with a focus in marine biology. I am currently in the University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation's PhD program, specially focusing on EE.


Ronald Chikwenhere

Monique Richoux

Timothy Thayer

Hello! I am a current special education teacher who is hoping to transition to the field of Environmental Education in the hopes of creating a better environment for the future generations. I just graduated with my second Masters in Natural Science and Environmental Education!

Shannon Lally

Jessica Ardizzone

Liz Georgakopoulos

Sandra Rivas

Lisa Kerestesi

Ebony Hood

Michele Smith