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Shannon Lally

Jessica Ardizzone

Liz Georgakopoulos

Sandra Rivas

Lisa Kerestesi

Ebony Hood

Michele Smith

Jennifer Stratton

Anjali S.

Stacey McCluskey

Maria Sharp

Fletcher Brown

Karin Gardner-Brown

Nicole Thomas

Amy Gyatso

Owen Connell

Molly Nation

Molly Nation is an assistant professor of Environmental Education in the Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences. She earned her BS. in Biology and Masters of Arts in Teaching from Georgia Southern University. She also holds a Ph.D. in Science Education from The University of South Florida.

Nate Ramey

Morgyn Ellis

Robyn Stewart

Kayla Welser

Regina Lobner

Brenda Metcalf

Brenda Metcalf is the Executive Director for the Environmental Education Council of Ohio, (EECO).  In 1991 Brenda graduated from Bowling Green State University with a degree in Environmental Studies Policy and Analysis, with an area of emphasis in Education and a minor in Geology.  Immediately after graduation, Brenda started in the Environmental Education field. Brenda became the Executive Director for EECO in 2003. In 2006 Brenda became more involved with NAAEE by becoming a part of the Awards Committee and in 2007 became the chair of the Awards Committee and part of the Affiliate Steering Committee.

For more information about EECO and EE in Ohio please visit

Claire McPhee