Jeremy Pivor

Jeremy Pivor (he/him)

Partnerships and Youth Engagement Director

Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs


Roles at NAAEE



Climate Change, Culture and Art, Environmental Literacy, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Marine, Nonformal Education, PreK-12

Founded in 2011, Bow Seat is the world's largest environmental youth program for the creative arts. We provide an innovative space for youth to connect, create, and communicate for our blue planet. Working at the intersection of ocean science and arts education, our award-winning Ocean Awareness Contest emphasizes creative thinking and making in exploring the natural world. Through art exhibitions, publications, and scholarships, Bow Seat uplifts diverse youth voices to advance dialogue and participation in environmental conservation. We empower young thinkers and creators to be active and empathetic global citizens, starting in their local communities and watersheds.


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