Continue the discussion! Tbilisi+40 & the GEEP's Global Call for Action


Continue the discussion! Tbilisi+40 & the GEEP's Global Call for Action

On Tuesday, October 17, NAAEE held a livestream panel discussion with representatives from the Global Environmental Education Partnership, focusing on a global Call for Action and how to move EE forward, featuring: Moderator: Alan Reid, Panelists: Arjen Wals, Kartikeya Sarabhai, Margie Simon de Ortiz, Yi-Hsuan (Tim) Hsu, Ginger Potter, and MJ Ketlhoilwe

Watch the panel:

A number of great questions were spurred by this panel discussion, and we hope you'll continue the discussion here on eePRO, particularly in our GEEP group!  Start your own discussion thread using the category "2017 virtual conference"!


Just watched the GEEP Panel discussion. It was great! I thought all the panelists but particularly the ones from Netherlands, Botswana, and India, as well as Ginger Potts gave some great actionable and inspiring suggestions and ideas. And I especially liked Judy's comment at the end about "One of the core values of NAAEE is to be disruptive, and we need to be more disruptive". Thanks for posting it. Can't wait to see more.