Townhall Climate Spotlight: Where Is the Federal Action on Climate Justice Now?


Townhall Climate Spotlight: Where Is the Federal Action on Climate Justice Now?

Townhall Climate Spotlight: Where Is the Federal Action on Climate Justice Now?

*Recording is now available.*

Green Latinos and Hispanic Federation, with Latinos for a Better Future, are hosting a virtual community Town Hall that reignites our effort to pass the environmental justice and climate provisions that are in the Build Back Better Act and highlights its importance for the Latino/a/x communities.

We will host a lively discussion with AZ elected officials, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and AZ District 7th Representative Ruben Gallego. Following this plática, join us for a conversation with legendary civil rights activist, Dolores Huerta for a discussion about her work and why BBBA passage is critical to uplift our communities.

Watch the recording on Facebook.