Techbridge Girls STEM Equity Learning Community (Spring 2024)

Techbridge Girls is excited to announce that applications are being accepted to join the Spring 2024 STEM Equity Learning Community. All out-of-school time (OST) supervisors and administrators for programs that serve BIPOC girls* and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply!
Techbridge Girls has re-engineered how STEM Education is taught for 20+ years. Our curricula and training help educators challenge gender, racial, and class bias in STEM fields and culture to help girls see their unique STEM lineage, community, interests, and path to success.
Research tells us that responsive learning environments can make all the difference in girls’ sustained interest in STEM. We also know that OST program managers, directors, and site directors play a critical role in the STEM trajectory for girls because they ensure their afterschool programs’ classrooms are equitable, gender and culturally responsive experiences.
The STEM Equity Learning Community is designed to equip OST program managers, administrators, and site directors so that more equitable learning spaces are available for BIPOC girls (and gender-expensive youth).
Through the STEM Equity Learning Community, participants will:
- Explore how to use asset-based frameworks and practices to combat inequities in OST STEM.
- Experience culturally relevant and gender-responsive strategies that increase STEM belonging and persistence.
- Deconstruct identity and bias, equipping participants to engage staff in the reflection and action required to facilitate equitable STEM programming.
- Develop STEM equity action steps for their OST program.
- Become part of a unique national community of OST leaders who are growing the number of equitable STEM learning spaces.
- Receive $1000 stipend for their participation in the learning community, evaluation, and research.
Join us to learn more about the benefits, expectations, and timeline during the Information Session on December 6, 2023, at 10:00 AM Pacific | 1:00 PM Eastern. For more information, to register for the information session, and/or to apply today, visit the Techbridge Girls STEM Equity Learning Community page.
* Techbridge Girls (TBG) serves Black, Indigenous, and all girls of color, which includes cis girls, trans youth, gender non-conforming, and/or non-binary youth who experience(d) girlhood and economic insecurity as a part of their journey.
This sounds like an amazing opportunity that will help foster inclusivity and equity in STEM education! I hope you get a great response, and please let your E-STEM moderators know how we can help.