[CLOSED] 2024 eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grants

(The application process is now closed and applications are under review.)
Informational Webinar
This informative webinar provides details about the Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grant request for proposals for the co-development of innovative educational experiences that explore aquaculture topics.
The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is pleased to offer your organization the opportunity to apply for an Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grant. Through this mini-grants program, NAAEE supports partnerships sharing the mutual aquaculture literacy goals of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Education, NOAA Fisheries, and the National Sea Grant Office. These mini-grants will provide informal learning institutions (e.g., aquariums), aquaculture industry (e.g., shellfish, finfish, and seaweed farmers), and NOAA partners with support for the co-development of innovative educational experiences that explore aquaculture topics. Successful proposals will use the unique education mission of the eeBLUE partnership—a collaboration between NAAEE and NOAA's Office of Education—as a context for engagement and advancement of public aquaculture literacy.
Dive into the details by exploring the Request for Proposal, and don't miss the chance to share your project proposal with us.