Applications Open for the 2023 CEE-Change Fellowship

All application materials are due by May 19, 2023, 11:59 PM ET.
We are excited to announce the launch of the 2023 CEE-Change Fellowship Program, NAAEE's latest initiative to support leadership and innovation in civics and environmental education across the country. CEE stands for Civics and Environmental Education. NAAEE recognizes the value in bringing together environmental and civic engagement educators to learn from each other and collaborate to scale up our impact as we work to create a more equitable and sustainable future. The 2023 Fellowship program will include a special focus on climate change and education.
The twelve-month fellowship will provide opportunities to learn, network, and share through online professional development, technical assistance, and face-to-face training. The fellowship will also build a strong foundation for continued professional growth after the program ends. The twelve-month fellowship will take place July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024. Fellows will have the option to extend an additional six months (through December 2024), and will receive continued professional development, networking support, and scholarship funds to attend the 2024 Annual NAAEE Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Watch the recording of our 2023 Informational Webinar to learn more about the program.
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Learn more, download the full RFP, and apply >
The CEE-Change Fellowship Program is supported by generous funding from the Cedar Tree Foundation and ee360+, an ambitious multi-year initiative that supports a diverse cadre of environmental education leaders to increase environmental literacy for everyone, everywhere. NAAEE leads the initiative through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. EPA and partner organizations.