Webinar for Museums, Galleries and Other Hosts for WorldWide Climate Teach-In


Webinar for Museums, Galleries and Other Hosts for WorldWide Climate Teach-In

The WorldWide Teach-In on Climate and Justice is offering professional development webinars every Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern Time. These next upcoming webinars are for those interested in using art, galleries, and museums or food systems to address the climate crisis with just solutions. See below for descriptions, registration links, and other resources:

1. Webinar: Engaging with the Arts, Museums, and Galleries in Climate Education

  • When: Wednesday, October 26 | 10 AM or 9 PM Eastern Time
  • Dr. Natalie Marsh, Co-founder and Executive Director & Chief Curator of the nonprofit Virtual Visiting Artists (ViVA), will discuss how artists and educators can collaborate to increase student awareness and engagement in climate change, political discourse, equity and social justice, the future of work, higher education and technology. We will also be joined by Alisa Singer, artist and creator of the series Environmental Graphiti - The Art of Climate Change, who will discuss how her work creating abstract images illustrating the science behind the critical changes impacting our planet can be used to teach the science of climate change. 
  • Register for the 10 AM session
  • Register for the 9 PM session

2.  Webinar: Our Changing Menu: Using Food To Teach About Climate Change

  • When: Wednesday, November 2 | 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern Time
  • Mike Hoffmann, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, will describe how he uses the foods we love and need to raise awareness about climate change for people of all ages. This approach resonates with everyone and the possibilities to incorporate the topic of food and climate into existing courses, or create new courses, are wide ranging.
  • Register for the 10 AM session
  • Register for the 9 PM session

In these webinars, we will also discuss how working with this approach can support the Worldwide Teach-in on Climate and Justice, set for March 29, 2023. This will also help you to #Teach10Hours4Climate: our K-12 initiative in collaboration with the National Wildlife Federation. 

3.  Learn more about our work:

For all inquiries regarding our upcoming webinars and WWTI please email Tobias Hess, WWTI's education campaign manager, at thess@bard.edu


Thank you for the essential work you are doing,

Eban Goodstein Ph.D. and David Blockstein, Ph.D.
Co-Directors, Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice
Bard College
Annandale-On-Hudson, NY, United States