Teach Climate Network Workshop: “We Will Not Drown, We Will Fight”: Teaching Climate Change, Island Solidarity, and Indigenous Rights

In this hands-on workshop, participants will engage with a suite of teaching activities centering the resistance of Indigenous Pacific Island peoples to environmental injustice and the climate crisis.
The workshop explores both historical and recent experiences of different island territories and nations through engaging in role play and in connecting with the Pacific Climate Warriors movement through poetry. Attendees will leave with new ideas about what it means to “teach for climate justice” and creative pedagogical strategies that work across grade levels and content areas.
Moé Yonamine has been a high school social studies teacher for 10 years. She is a Rethinking Schools editor, author of multiple articles, and co-editor of the third edition of The New Teacher Book.
Ursula Wolfe-Rocca taught high school for 20 years. She is currently a program manager for the Zinn Education Project and a Rethinking Schools editor.
We understand that some of these workshops do not work for educator's schedules, so all registrants will receive a recording and additional resources to their e-mail within 1 week of the event.
We are striving to make our events more welcoming to all, with specific goals about racial equity and inclusivity. Your answers during registration will help us to know how we are doing.
The workshop will be from 12:00–1:15pm CT.