Invasive Species Education and Action

Join Invasive Species Education Facilitators to gain a better understanding of invasive species, their impacts, and how students of all ages can make a difference. This is the opportunity to see new outdoor focused invasive species education resources that touch on multiple aspects of curriculum. You will gain fresh ideas, tips, and tools for inspiring learners to be aware of local biodiversity, to develop deeper connections with nature, and to become stewards of special places.
Our Presenters:
1. Jen Hagen brings an environmental science background and a passion for forest foraging, growing food, and experiential learning to Invasive Species Education. Jen is lucky to live and farm in the Bulkley Valley where she has worked for 20 years as an Educator in food security and outdoor and nature-based teaching.
2. Stephanie Weinstein is an avid naturalist and environmental educator who is passionate about connecting people to nature and inspiring them to learn about, care for, and take action to protect biodiversity. As the Senior Lead of Education with the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia, Stephanie supports educators with place-based outdoor learning and with integrating invasive species learning and action into their teaching.
Access amazing invasive species resources: