Certified Interpretive Guide Programs


Certified Interpretive Guide Programs

An adult an a child read an interpretive sign next to a mountain range and a body of water

Considering a career in the outdoor industry? 

The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit professional organization whose certification program is intended to:

  1. Help people new in the field demonstrate they have what it takes to make interpretation their career.
  2. Help those who have been interpreters for some time demonstrate that they have gained the experience, and collected the knowledge, skills, and abilities that make them accomplished professionals in our field. 

Sound intriguing? NAI provides material for exploring if certification is a good fit, including FAQ pages such as "Why Certification?" and a general Certification FAQ page.

NAI offers two types of certificates: Training level certifications and professional level certifications. If you are not sure which one is right for you, NAI provides a flowchart to help you match your path with the appropriate certification.

Training Level Certificates

NAI offers the Certified Interpretive Guide™ (CIG™) certificate and Certified Interpretive Host™ (CIH™) certificate, which are designed for those new to the field or those who need a refresher in the basics of interpretation and customer service. Many agencies use these certificates as required or preferred qualifications for open positions.

Check out the NAI Certification and Training calendar for upcoming virtual and in-person sessions. For additional questions, contact the Certificate Programs Administrator at certification@interpnet.com.

Professional Level Certifications

The professional level certifications do not require that you attend a training course. Instead you submit evidence that you have gained the necessary skills and abilities to be considered a professional in our field which is reviewed by your peers who have already completed that certification. 

There are multiple professional level certifications to pursue with NAI such as:

Certified Interpretive Trainer™
Certified Interpretive Planner™ 
Certified Interpretive Manager™ 
Certified Heritage Interpreter™

For additional questions on this certification program, contact the Certification Program Administrator at profcertification@interpnet.com