Science Programs in Costa Rican Primary Education: Relationship Between Risk Management and Climate Change


Science Programs in Costa Rican Primary Education: Relationship Between Risk Management and Climate Change

This article (in Spanish) disseminates the partial results of doctoral research where the curricular analysis of the official Program of Sciences of Basic Education in Costa Rica was carried out. The analysis established categories of analysis to determine the link between climate change issues and risk management, mainly hydro-climatic risks, for which it was supported theoretically by the NAAEE environmental literacy framework.

The main objective of this article is to contribute to the evaluation and improvement of the curricular quality of the Science curriculum in a topic of great relevance today for the school teaching of climate education and the formation of environmental competencies for action. It is expected that the authorities of the Ministry of Public Education make efforts to generate training for teachers on the formation of environmental competencies in accordance with the guidelines of the plan analyzed. 

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