Ethics in Urban Sustainable Development Through the Lenses of the Earth Charter


Ethics in Urban Sustainable Development Through the Lenses of the Earth Charter

The Earth Charter Cities course offers a space to learn about the nexus between the Sustainable Development Goals, the Earth Charter and urban sustainability.

This experience seeks to build a pool of experts and consultants with a systemic and ethical approach to sustainability, who are able to provide quality support and guidance to cities facing challenges during their development and planning process.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop knowledge and deepen understanding on sustainable urban development through the lenses of Earth Charter and the Earth Charter Cities Manifesto.
  • Read and assess local urban situation(s) based on the Earth Charter Cities Manifesto and define decision-making criteria coherent to this vision.
  • Use the Earth Charter and the Earth Charter Cities Manifesto as tools to make ethical and sustainable decisions in the urban developing and planning processes.
  • Find ways to connect cities, colleges, companies and communities in effort to realize the EC and ECC vision.
  • Share with local and global communities, how to report on knowledge and experiences on sustainable urban settings through the lenses of an Earth Charter City.

Participants Profile

The Earth Charter Cities Course is designed for city officials, local government executives, managers, planners, urban practitioners or decision-makers, as well as urban experts and community leaders, who are interested in:

  • Taking a bold step in bringing a broad vision of sustainability to their local community or city.
  • Expanding their knowledge and skills to implement urban sustainability practices with a comprehensive approach.
  • Learning and applying the Earth Charter and the Earth Charter Cities Manifesto framework in their local contexts and daily work.
  • Turning theories and best practices of urban sustainability into actionable strategies.