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Frankie Lineberger

I am a natural resources professional with 7 years of field experience. I have converted my family farm from conventional production to ecologically informed production. We host over 10,000 students on field trips each year. I have created special events which reach over 1000 students each year. My work has been featured in a collection of over 25 newspapers, television news spotlights, podcasts, and conferences.

Lauren Gibson

After creating and leading the Carmel Green Teen Micro-Grant Program in middle school, I have dedicated my career to empowering other young people to take action for the environment. I am a full-time PhD student in environmental education at NC State and work part-time for NOAA Education.

Amberly Choi she/her

Monica Wiedel-Lubinski

Hope Presley

Mary Vukelich she, her, hers

Charlie Combs They/Them


Lisa Marini

Maria Summersett

Jessa Wells

Shaughn Smith

Jessica Conwell

Rachel Patton

Rob Nichols

I seek full-time employment as a ranger/environmental educator/naturalist in state and national parks, or beyond. Interests: forest ecology, indigenous traditions, K-12 and Adult EE, nature writing, and park management. Humanities PhD (Classics). Certified Interpretive Guide by NAI. Seeking mentors.

Green Ummah

Green Ummah is a nationally incorporated non-profit organization seeking to create an environmental and environmental justice movement within the Muslim community. Green Ummah was created in 2020 by youth advocates for the environment who found a gap in the Canadian Muslim community as it pretains to environmental consciousness. Since our inception, Green Ummah has expanded the team to include four coordinators, amassed a volunteer base of 40+ volunteers across the country, and built strategic partnerships with organizations such as Nature Canada. We hosted Canada’s first Muslim-organized environmental conference in 2020 and launched the first-ever ready to teach curriculum focused on Islam & the Environment and Environmental Justice (The Greening our Communities Toolkit).

Follow us on social media: @greenummah (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter) and check out our website for more information.

Dhruhi Patel

Hi! My name is Dhruhi Patel and I am currently a high school student at John P. Steven's High School in Edison, New Jersey. I am passionate about environmental science and environmental engineering through which sustainable solutions emerge. I believe as a society, if we work together, we can fight against climate change and so I strive to educate myself and others on climate solutions to create a better future for all. 

Alexia Murano she/her

Malia Delacruz

Adina Cox

Leonard Kenyon

Jane O'Brien

I am the Education and Community Outreach Coordinator at the JHBB Field Station at Hiram College in Ohio. I develop and teach EE programs year-round to adults and children and also manage the food production program for our resident/ rehab animals. My degrees are in Elementary and Special Education.

Barbara Sanchez she/her

Hadiya White