Climate Change Education proposals for the 2016 NAAEE Conference in Madison, WI

A couple of us have been wondering whether there are any of the folks in this Climate Change Education Group who would like to join with a group of us to conceptualize and submit this month a proposal for a session at the October 19 – 22 NAAEE Conference. We could submit proposals for a:
- Workshop?
- Symposium?
- Hands-On Session?
- Round Table?
To read a bit more about the details of each of these kinds of sessions, go to
Think about what you have to share with others and what you’d like to work on with other EEducators working on climate change education – and let all of us know by posting a message on this discussion thread! For example, we could:
- gather a group of all those who have been using story-telling, kick off with some exemplars, and generate ideas for dynamite ways to share stories and fund such initiatives – both for those who have experience using stories and those who want to start!
- pool the kinds of assessment or program evaluation tools you’ve been using to learn about the climate change understandings or the perceptions of solutions that your program participants have!
- or … whatever strikes a chord for you…
Help us generate lots of creative, thought-provoking ideas for sessions and find others who’d like to partner in organizing the kind of session that you’d like to participate in!
Please contribute your thoughts and questions in the Climate Change Education Conference Proposals discussion thread. We'd love to hear from you!