Building Your Winter Reading List


Building Your Winter Reading List

This past weekend, we asked our Facebook followers to answer a simple question, "What is one book that you believe every environmental educator should read?" Their responses were amazing. Check out what they had to say by clicking the post below:

They shared dozens of different resources covering a variety of topics. Below is a small collection of what they shared:

We posed the same question to our Twitter followers too. They did not disappoint, as they reaffirmed a few recommendations from Facebook and provided additional resources that you can continue to learn from by clicking the post below:

What book do you believe EVERY environmental educator should read?

#EduTwitter #EnviroEd #EducationResources

— NAAEE (@TheNAAEE) January 11, 2020


We encourage you to share additional books that you'd recommend to environmental educators on our Facebook and Twitter posts or in the comments section of this blog. If you are looking for professional guidelines, we also recommend you download our Guidelines for Excellence series set for free, which cover topics from community engagement to professional development for environmental educators. 


Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer