Teaching Geoscience Online


Teaching Geoscience Online

Online classroom environments offer unique ways of teaching and interacting. Online classrooms also have unique challenges and require specialized strategies for success. These challenges can be particularly acute for geoscience courses with laboratory and field components. Join a new community of geoscience educators focused on teaching their students in online environments. Ask questions, share experiences, and find resources that meet the needs unique to educators teaching geoscience online.

Colleges and universities are increasing their online offerings as a means of reaching a wider audience, offering a convenient course format for part-time students, connecting students with faculty who may not share the same campus, concentrating students in specialized courses with traditionally low enrollment, and controlling costs. Regardless of the format, topic or setting, many types of online classrooms share successful strategies and common challenges. The use of technology can attract some students while alienating others. The independent nature of online courses can challenge students' time management skills and reward self-motivated learners. And for faculty, translating years of classroom teaching into a new and virtual environment may present daunting challenges