New Early Childhood Resource from PLT Canada

Project Learning Tree Canada’s Trees & Me: Activities for Exploring Nature with Young Children combines the fascination that children ages 1–6 have for trees with research-based findings about the lifelong benefits of early exposure to nature. The activity guide contains hundreds of ideas for fun, hands-on experiences for families and teachers to connect children ages 1–6 to nature, with a focus on trees. Through indoor and outdoor activities, children explore nature through their five senses, experience trees throughout the seasons, and connect with their community.
Connecting kids to nature and the outdoors improves children’s emotional and physical well-being, enhances learning, promotes positive social behavior, and makes them more likely to care about their environment.
The activities are designed for families, childcare providers, and early childhood educators to use in a range of settings, including preschools, childcare and nature centers, and at home. Special instructions tailor many experiences for children under 3 years.
Children learn concepts they need to succeed in school, including literacy, math, and critical thinking skills. They are empowered to work independently and in groups.
Free downloadable music and sound samples accompany the Music and Movement experiences. Scannable QR codes direct to specific tracks. Art is integrated throughout, and children practice STEM through ten essential skills, integrating science, technology, engineering, and math. Exploration of careers through dramatic play and skill practice plants ideas for a child’s future.
Each activity suggests ways that families and friends can enhance the learning experience at home, including helping out in the community.
The guide also includes 10 appendices, such as tested techniques for engaging early learners, tips for outdoor learning, and bringing nature inside.
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