International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) Volume 11, Number 1

A peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal promoting early childhood environmental education for global readership and action, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) publishes scholarly written works pertinent to the education of all young children (birth to eight years). Articles include book reviews, educational approaches, evaluation models, program descriptions, research investigations, and theoretical perspectives—all anonymously and expertly peer-reviewed.
Articles in this issue include:
- "Climate change education in early childhood classrooms: A nature-based approach" by Breanna C. Beaver, Youngstown State University and Lisa A. Borgerding, Kent State University
- "Investigating the role of materiality in pre-primary children’s land art" by Marja-Leena Rönkkö, Juli-Anna Aerila, and Sara Sintonen, University of Turke, Finland
- "Everyone has a piece of the story: A community of practice approach for supporting early childhood educators’ capacity for fostering empathy in young children through nature-based early learning" by Julie Ernst, University of Minnesota Duluth, Claire Underwood, University of Cincinnati, and Thelma Nayquonabe, Lac Courte Oreilles, USA;
- "Let’s go outside: Preparing early childhood educators to teach outdoors" by Lenore Peachin Wineberg, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
- "Indigenous Perspectives in Children’s Literature" by Erin Burggraf and Mkos Mboken, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi, and Carla Gull, Books and Resources Review Editor
- "Book Review: Rethinking Environmental Education in a Climate Change Era: Weather Learning in Early Childhood" by Peter Oluwaseyi Oyewole and Ayoola Bukola Oyewole, Kent State University, Ohio, USA.