Food Matters Action Kit

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), an intergovernmental organization established by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States under the auspices of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, developed the Food Matters Action Kit to help educators and youth address the important issue of wasted food in the three countries. The toolkit is loaded with resources and hands-on activities to inspire youth of all ages to prevent food waste in their daily lives. Activities are designed for ages 5-25 and encourage youth to start making a difference right now to prevent food waste by addressing food waste from farm to fork.
This is an outstanding educational resource for a wide age range of students in formal or non-formal settings. The Kids’ Action Kit is designed for ages 5-13, and the Youth Action Kit for ages 14-25. The activities allow students to get hands-on with food waste to learn how to reduce it on a personal level, but also incorporate learning from a variety of viewpoints, and include traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) from indigenous communities across North America. This action kit is also interactive, incentivizing students to complete activities by awarding badges at specific milestones, encouraging individual inquiry and synthesis of complex concepts related to food waste through this reward system.