The Climate Divide Podcast - Hola Cultura

Season 2 of The Climate Divide examines why some neighborhoods have been overburdened by hazards like pollution, extreme heat, and flooding and how these disparities came to be. In a time when both the national and D.C. governments are emphasizing environmental justice, this podcast will focus on the people most affected, who’ve voiced their concerns and advocated for greater environmental justice.
This podcast was produced by Hola Cultura's SPEL storytelling program.
The Climate Divide production team includes host and editor Marcelo Jauregui-Volpe with additional editing by Claudia Peralta Torres and Jose Luis Mendoza and additional reporting by Lucía Matamoros, Talia Jackson, Jennifer Alfaro, and Barbara Ron-Giron. The project director is Christine MacDonald, Hola Cultura's executive director.