Take a Child Outside Week


Take a Child Outside Week

Inspired by Richard Louv’s book “Last Child in the Woods,” Take A Child Outside week was founded to help connect children with nature. By celebrating opportunities for children to have free play outside, highlighting locations offering places to explore the outdoors, and providing simple activities anyone can do, we hope to increase the number of children experiencing the natural world.

Partnership in Take a Child Outside (TACO) is free and our only request is that you keep your information up to date. We now have 3 categories of partnership:

Outdoor Site Partners offer outdoor opportunities happening September 24-30. This can include paid programs that require registration, free drop in programs or natural areas open for self-guided exploration like hiking trails. Our only criteria is that opportunities are open to the public. We encourage you to think about regularly occurring programs in addition to any special programming for TACO week. We are also looking for additional partners so please forward this information to other sites who would be a good match.
Supporting Partner includes those of you do not have an outdoor area but support the movement in some other way.
School Partners is for those of you who are celebrating Take a Child Outside but aren’t inviting the public to your location.