MECCE Project Call for Case Studies Proposals

The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project is seeking to fund Case Studies of innovative climate change communication and education (CCE) to inform global understandings of quality CCE.
As climate change impacts increase in frequency and severity world-wide without adequate societal action, the need for CCE has never been more urgent. The MECCE Project ( is an international collaborative research program working to increase the quality and quantity of CCE to advance global climate literacy and action. We are a partnership of over 80 leading scholars and agencies, including the IPCC, UNFCCC, and UNESCO working to tackle the challenge of quickly advancing CCE globally.
About the Case Studies
Currently, much of the CCE being offered focuses on transmitting information on climate change to learners. However, the latest research indicates holistic CCE is needed to help learners overcome feelings of loss, anxiety, denial, and apathy, which can be associated with inaction. Focusing on social learning and local, place-based problems and solutions can enable a sense of taking meaningful climate action. Quality CCE also engages with climate justice, including the disproportionate impacts of climate change in the Global South, for women, for racialized and Indigenous communities, and for other historically marginalized groups. Finally, given the urgency of the climate crisis, a range of CCE initiatives that impact learners in all life stages are required.
The Case Studies will assist the MECCE Project in better understanding quality CCE policy and/or practice and in sharing this combined knowledge with policy makers, practitioners, and researchers around the globe. The Case Studies will contribute to an emerging global knowledge base and help inform and improve policy and practice in local, regional, and global contexts. Finally, hopefully your Case Study will also be of benefit to the case you are engaging with, in helping inform and further work in this area in your local context.
Benefits of Participation and Eligibility
Participants who contribute a Case Study to the MECCE Project will increase their global profile by:
- Receiving up to $10,000 CAD of funding to develop their case study
- Showcasing innovative work on CCE at an international scale
- Connecting with a global network working to improve CCE
- Presenting their case study at MECCE Project Regional Hub meetings and other venues to exchange knowledge with a network active in advancing CCE
- Sharing their case study on the MECCE Project’s website, including our Interactive Data Platform, Blog, and Digital Library
We invite proposals from researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders who are able to conduct high quality case studies of exemplary CCE. The Call is open to individuals, organizations, collaborations, and partnerships.
Funded case studies will submit a Narrative Final Report summarizing the case study; Multimedia package to illustrate the case study in action (e.g., photos, videos); and Reporting Form.
Application Process and Timelines
The instructions and frequently asked questions are downloadable from the application portal at Proposals must be submitted through the application portal by January 4, 2022 at 11:59pm EST. We welcome applicants to direct inquires to