2024 Forests of NH Teacher Tour

NH Project Learning Tree, the NH Sustainable Forestry Initiative, and the NH Timberland Owners Association present the 2024 Forests of NH Teacher Tour, a 4-day tour of NH forests and mills.
July 23–26, 2024
AMC Cardigan Lodge
Alexandria, NH
The event begins with a half day Project Learning Tree (PLT) workshop. PLT curriculum is also incorporated on our tours which will focus on long-term sustainable management of New Hampshire forests. We will visit nearby forest management areas, logging operations, and sawmills, and will have opportunities to discuss field operations and multiple use management considerations with foresters, wildlife biologists, and other natural resource professionals.
- Project Learning Tree’s (PLT) nationally acclaimed pre-K through high school environmental education curriculum is the framework for learning more about the importance of New Hampshire’s forests.
- Tours combine math, science, technology, language arts and social studies with current information about forest practices, up-to-date technology, and careers.
- Participants can look forward to connecting with expert natural resource professionals, networking, spending time in and learning about New Hampshire forests and ways to engage students in learning about forest ecosystems and management.
- Teacher s will experience award winning Project Learning Tree activities with links to the STEM and the NGSS that can be incorporated into the curricula with K-12 students.
- Each participant will be certified as a Project Learning Tree teacher and be eligible for certification of 30 contact hours.
- NHTOA will cover all expenses except the $200 registration fee which includes shared overnight accommodations, all meals, transportation to and from tour stops, and educational materials to take back to the classroom.
- The event begins with a half day Project Learning Tree (PLT) workshop. PLT curriculum is also incorporated on our tours which will focus on long-term sustainable management of New Hampshire forests. We will visit nearby forest management areas, logging operations, and sawmills, and will have opportunities to discuss field operations and multiple use management considerations with foresters, wildlife biologists, and other natural resource professionals.
Educator Testimonials: “This was a fantastic week! The activities and setting were amazing!” “The sawmill was so cool!” Loved watching them make a tree into boards. “I’ve been blown away all week!” “Carbon storage and sequestration is something we can do! The most successful forests are the ones that are the most diverse.” “This was the best PD I’ve ever been a part of. I feel like you thought of everything! “I learned a clearcut can be a positive thing.” “I keep telling anyone who will listen about the tour.” "Why doesn't everyone know about this?"
Time is running out to register for this exciting and unique event worth 30 contact hours of Professional Development Credit!